RA Director Max Graef with Journalist Mouta at Baga Sola TX Site

Happy World Radio Day 2025!

13th February 2025

Here’s a lovely post about the importance of radio from David Smith of Okapi Consulting:

Hundreds of millions of people listen to the radio every day. They rely on it for information, the use it as a source of entertainment, it keeps them company, and, thanks to the cell phone and social media, listens to them as well.

Radio has changed in many ways over the years, but it remains true to its original raison d’être: Whether on a digital platform, DAB, DRM, FM, MW or shortwave, radio continues to inform and entertain. In many cases it also saves lives.

Of course, the dark side of radio still exists – programmes spewing hate, fake news, disinformation, and biased political support (his master’s voice). Fortunately, there are thousands of dedicated journalists, technicians, translators and other support staff working around the clock to ensure that the truth prevails. Their jobs are not getting easier – artificial intelligence has put wind in the sails of those trying to trick and deceive. An ever-increasing number of newsrooms train personnel on how to separate fact from fiction.

On this continent (Africa), radio is more important than ever. Governments in far-too-many countries have been clamping down on media freedom, decisions about what people can hear are often made by people in places of power who would rather control the free flow of information rather than support unhindered access to credible information. Insurgent groups operate in similar ways, often going a step further and blowing up transmission infrastructure or threatening media practitioners (something those in power are also known to do).

International broadcasters are either having their local broadcasts banned in certain target areas, or having to live with crippling budget cuts, cuts that usually penalise those who need access to credible information most.

And then there are governments from outside listener target areas that, through their own offshore transmissions or by influencing local journalists by using cash or other methods to influence opinion, confuse the media landscape through their support of fake news campaigns.

Never has it been more important to be vigilant when producing and listening to content. Never has it been more important to promote credible radio. In this world of disinformation, the radios that strive to provide relevant facts for their listeners need your support more than ever. In good times and during times of trouble, radio remains a trusted friend.

Happy World Radio Day to the thousands of people I have known and worked with in the industry over the decades. Don’t stop doing what you’re doing!

David Smith
Executive Director Okapi Consulting/Ndarason
Johannesburg 13 Feb 2025

To find out more about Radio Ndarason, a regional independent radio station we have worked with for many years, please visit: www.ndarason.com

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