
D&R Airmate-USB 8 ch. triple input radio On-Air / Production console with 2x USB + 1x VoIP+ 1x WPC

Original price was: £1,657.00.Current price is: £1,607.00.

D&R Airmate-USB 8 ch. triple input radio On-Air / Production console


Extremely popular low budget Radio-On Air console. Thousands of happy users.

  • 8 triple input channels
  • 6x Mic inputs
  • 12x stereo line inputs
  • 4x inserts on Mic input 1-4
  • 2x USB stereo send/return
  • 1x Telephone and 1x VoIP
  • 1x WPC (BT)


**All models can have AES digital output, and RIAA preamps. Please contact us**


Faderstarts and Cleanfeeds are standard

We designed the Airmate-USB to fulfill the requirements for a high grade low cost radio production mixer.
Built around well proven low noise circuitry, this console is the reliable workhorse for the self-op production D.J. that needs an internal Telephone Hybrid (2x) and
USB connection to the PC (e.q. for streaming to the web).
A heavy duty 19″ rack mounted RF shielded chassis houses 8 vertical triple input modules giving flexibility rarely found in a mixer of this type.

Six input channels with high quality balanced microphone inputs on XLR and two stereo line level inputs on Cinch (RCA) connectors.
Every Mic input has an insert for signal processors.
And… every line level line B input can be converted into a phono (record player) channel by simply fitting an optional stereo R.I.A.A. equalized phono pre-amp.


front panel

The Airmate-8 model has 6 balanced mic inputs with +48 phantom with insert, 12 stereo line inputs, 2 USB and 2 Telephone Hybrids.

Channel 5 and 6 have Mic/Line and USB interface to transfer audio from and to your PC.

Channel 7 and 8 have, apart from the stereo line input, also RJ-11 connectors to interface with a old fashioned POT and a Telephone appliance to dial the number you want to reach.

High quality built in Hybrids and direct Connection and Talkback buttons in the Hybrid channels makes a conversation with listeners very easy.

With the Telco Send (level to the caller) and Telco Gain (level coming from the caller) all levels can be easy adjusted.
Fader start can be from the ON switch or FADER. Fader start also switches on ON-AIR lights.

There is a 3 band Equalizer on channel 1-6. The stereo Aux send can be set pre or post fader.

All mic inputs have low cut jumpers. A clean feed send is available for external analog and digital Hybrids.

Front Airmate-USB_H.png


back panel

Airmate backpanel

On the back panel you can find two USB connectors to control your USB channels by your computer.

Very simple; your computer will see a new USB device when connecting the Airmate-8 on the moment you connect the unit to your computer.

It’s also possible to include VoIP channel(s) inside the Airmate-8 in stead of the standard POT channels. In that case you will get an USB connector on the place of the RJ11, so you can connect your VoIP channel by your computer with any VoIP software.

All in and output connections are on standard Jack / Cinch and XLR connectors.

XLR connector RCA connectorJack

AES-EBU option

We can offer an optional AES/EBU digital output on XLR’s.

The left XLR output carries the stereo AES digital output signal and the right XLR is a stereo digital input.

The analog audio signal is always available on the 2 jacks above the left digital XLR output.



RIAA Pre-Amp option

It’s also possible to add on all six channels of your Airmate-8 unit our RIAA pre-amp board.

This will give you the option to connect the old fashion record player to the mixer, so good old times can come back to live on a new day piece of broadcast equipment.

These board can be purchased also on a later moment inside our radiowebshop and are very simple to connect inside the mixer on one of the boards by yourself.

VoIP option

We now have dedicated VoIP channels available for the AIRMATE-8, or a combination of one TELCO module and one VoIP module.

If you still want to use a classic analogue or digital Hybrid we have designed a cleanfeed output on pin 1-4 of the RJ11 connector.

You can return the Hybrid signal on the line input of the VoIP module.



Bluetooth option

It’s also possible to choose on Input module 7 and/or 8 a Bluetooth Hybrid module with line input.

This high quality Telephone Hybrid Bluetooth V5.0 circuit connects you directly to a Bluetooth device and accepts Bluetooth calls and play/pause music directly on your Airmate-8 console.

On the back of each Bluetooth Hybrid/Line channel on the Airmate-8 unit (channel 7 & 8), you will find three connectors fot the Bluetooth-Hybrid/Line modules, two unbalanced stereo line RCA Cinch connectors for connecting CD players, iPods or any play-back devices as long as they are line level equipment.



The Airmate-8 has the usual stereo faders, stereo Aux send and return, monitor master with “follow phones” and a phones output with a split control function.

There is a balance control to continuously adjust the volume between main output and stereo Cue signal.

In addition, there is a special Radio On-air/production section featuring; Self­op switching to automatically cut control room level when the D.J. mic is active; a Clean feed output to also drive

an external Telephone Hybrid for talk shows and interviews, if you need more Hybrid channels than the 2 built in ones; a special announcer output that normally follows main output but can be

switched so that the main output, or any cue signal that is selected, can be heard when in the “follow phones” mode.

A large Talkback switch activates the built-in electret talkback microphone for easy communication with the Clean-feed output, Aux output and/or Announcer output.



Mic inputs: bal, 2kOhm, XLR. Phantom: 48 volt.

Noise: – 122 dBr (A-weighted).

Sensitivity: – 70dB min, OdB max.

Insert: -10dBv in/out.

Line inputs: unbal., 10kOhm, Cinch.

Gain: range of 40dB.

Phono inputs: unbal. 47kOhm, 5 mV.

2 Track return: – 10 dBV at 10kOhm.

Aux returns: – 10 dBv at 10kOhm stereo



Fully compliant with USB 2.0 playback and record mode.

HID Functions: Volume/Mute


RJ-11 connectors for phone line/dialler

Mix Minus rejection @1kHz -60dB.


Left/Right: + 4 dBu bal. XLR.

Monitor/Aux : + 4dBu unbal. on Cinch.

Cleanfeed/Announcer: + 4dBu, Jacks. Tape outp: -10dBv, unbal. Cinch.

Headphone: 16-600 Ohm, Jack.

Announcer: 16-600 Ohm, Jack.



High: + / -12 dB at 12kHz shelving. Mid: + / -12dB at 1 kHz bell curve.

Low: + / -12dB at 60 Hz bell curve.



AES/EBU digital stereo output and AES digital 2 track input plus existing

analog outputs on 2 jacks.

RIAA pre-amp on line input B for phono cartridges, 60881597



Frequency response: 10 – 60.000Hz.

Distortion: < 0.009% max at 1 kHz.

Start switch: reed relay.

Ledbars: 21 segment.

Power Consumption: 30VA

Stereo jack connector to internal opto coupler 24volt/50mA max.)

The opto coupler switches between tip and ring of the stereo jack

(So tip is shorted to the ring)



Stereo jack connector to internal opto coupler(24volt/50mA max.)

The opto coupler switches between tip and ring of the stereo jack

(So tip is shorted to the ring)

Left-Right 19″ rack mountable. (482mm width)

Front-Back: 356mm (8HE).

Height: 105mm.

Space below front panel: 20mm for table top. Weight: 11 kg.

For Drop through mounting (on top) cut a hole of 452x335mm.

For Drop through mounting (milling) cut a hole of 482×355.15mm.

with a radius of R=20 and a depth of 2mm.