D&R AXUM 4 Fader Control Surface (for frames)


D&R AXUM 4 Fader Control Surface

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The switches on the channel-strip are software assignable to a function.

For instance the ‘ON’ Switch can be above or below the fader.

Any Control surface switch can do anything you want it to do, but… to not confuse you we have programmed a factory default assignment that represents the working procedures of the average Radio Studio to start with.

Switches have long life dual color LED’s. So every active function is clearly shown.

The basic desktop frames are built to use as a drop through frame in a furniture surface.

They can accept 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 pcs of 4 faders sections, or 2,3,4,5 pcs of 4 fader sections and 1 CRM/STUDIO section plus master blind.

With two frames (script space in the middle) you can have a maximum of 48 faders with a CRM/STUDIO section.

If more faders are needed larger frame sizes are available upon request to achieve the maximum of 128 fader controllable stereo channels this design can handle.