
Capital FM 100.4 The Gambia goes on air!

12th May 2011

RadioActive’s first commercial radio station went on air today, a new urban youth station called Capital FM, broadcasting from Serrakunda in The Gambia. The station aims to reach the whole country with Gambia’s hottest new music and programming directed very much at young people. RadioActive provided Capital FM with an almighty 2kW transmitter, set up […]


Awaaz Radio High Wycombe goes on air!

12th February 2011

RadioActive’s first full licence community radio station went on air today, marking a new era for the Asian community of High Wycombe, with their own local radio station.  The station will be used to promote local issues, events and current affairs, bring Asian music and film stars to the area and promote the needs of the […]


Vaalwater, South Africa: RadioActive installs radio and recording studios and trains young people at Waterberg Welfare Society!

16th November 2010

Working with New Era Container Conversions and Waterberg Welfare Society, a hospice, wellness clinic and youth centre in Limpopo Province, northern South Africa, RadioActive has designed and installed radio studios into a 12m shipping container, to be used for teaching radio production and recording skills to young people based in the local area.  The first […]


Tsavo National Park, Kenya: Radio Tsavo begins training!

12th April 2010

In April 2010 a team of rangers and officers from the Kenya Wildlife Service and staff at environmental NGO Amara Conservation were brought together for a week of RadioActive radio workshops, as part of the development of Radio Tsavo, a new radio station with a conservation focus to be based in the area around Tsavo West National Park. Workshops […]


West London, UK: The RadioActive Show broadcasts on Avenues FM!

17th February 2010

Every thursday between these dates we are running a show on Avenues FM 87.7 MHz in London from 1 – 2pm GMT and online at, talking about our projects and the places where we have worked, hosted by RA Director Max Graef Please tune in! First week: Madagascar.  With interviews with Christi Turner, who worked […]


Delta Region, Nigeria: Desu FM goes on the air!

1st December 2009

RadioActive Engineer Mark Benewith went to Nigeria in November 2009 to work with the Delta State University and set up DESU FM – the area’s first university campus radio station.  Once the station was installed, Mark trained up a team of local radio journalists in studio use, digital editing and transmission system maintenance. Broadcasting with […]


Pará, Brazil: Radio Resistencia Camponesa goes on the air!

17th November 2009

The final stop on our tour with the MST in Brazil involved a visit to the beautiful island Ilha do Mosqueiro, near Belem do Pará in the North of Brazil.  Working with young people from the local area, Max helped get Radio Resistencia Camponesa’s transmitter and antenna installed to get them on the air.  Before providing […]


Ceará, Brazil: Lagoa do Mineiro FM gets a makeover!

5th November 2009

Lagoa do Mineiro FM, a community radio station based near Itarema in Ceará, in the North-East of Brazil, has been providing the 8 MST settlements and other community members in the area with local news, music and information for several years now. As the third stop on our tour with the MST, RadioActive’s Max Graef […]


Pernambuco, Brazil: Radio Cultura Viva up and running!

28th October 2009

The second leg of our trip to work with the MST took RadioActive’s Max Graef to Pernambuco, where the MST have a college called the Centro de Formação Paulo Freire, used as a training centre for MST members from all the nearby states.  Here our role was the installation of a radio speaker system, an […]


Bahia, Brazil: MST FM goes on the air!

12th October 2009

In December 2009, RadioActive returned from a 6 week trip to Brazil working with Brazilian landless workers’ movement MST (Movimento de Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra). The first stop on this trip was to help set up MST FM in Wenceslau-Guimarães, a small town in Bahia. After 10 days of installation and training, the station was […]


Nkambe, Cameroon: Savannah Frontier Radio goes on the air!

22nd July 2009

The people of Nkambe, a small vibrant town in the North-West province of Cameroon, spent the last three years celebrating their first community radio station. Now they have two!  Savannah Frontier Radio was set up by local Member of Parliament Honourable Awudu, with its primary aim being to promote climate change awareness in the North […]


Kumbo, Cameroon: Bui Community Radio in Cameroon goes on the air!

14th July 2009

Working with Cameroonian NGO ANCO, the Apiculture and Nature Conservation Organisation, which works on biodiversity conservation, sustainable land management and poverty reduction, RadioActive supplied and installed the equipment and trained local staff up to get Bui Community Radio, or BCR FM, set up and on the air, on the outskirts of Kumbo town in the […]


Banka, Cameroon: RadioActive installs new community radio station

22nd February 2009

After several years of development, Radio Flambeau is ready to begin broadcasting. Radio Flambeau is a new community radio station based near the rond-point Paachi in Banka, in the West Province of Cameroon.  The station is owned and managed by Cameroonian NGO Protege QV and Association des Dames Flambeau, a women’s association in Banka.  It […]


Nkambe, Cameroon: Volunteers help create new Women’s programme at DMCR

5th December 2008

Journalists Rachel Stevenson and Tamasin Ford spent two weeks in Nkambe in November 2008, giving workshops to the DMCR staff on news gathering and news reporting, and helping the station team to develop anew weekly programme dedicated to women’s issues. The new hour long programme has been running each Wednesday evening since they left.


Southern Kenya: RA conducts feasibility study for wildlife radio station in Tsavo West National Park

20th August 2008

In August 2008 RadioActive went to Tsavo West National Park in Kenya to conduct a feasibility study for a new wildlife conservation radio station, working with Nairobi-based NGO Amara Conservation and the Kenya Wildlife Service. Tsavo West National Park is home to many endangered species including elephants, rhinos, lions and cheetahs. As part of the feasibility […]


RadioActive and DMCR Cameroon featured in German magazine Human Globaler Zufall

31st July 2008

In July 2008 RA returned to Cameroon to increase the power at Donga Mantung Community Radio in Nkambe, and provide training to their new staff. We were accompanied by journalist Dennis Buchmann and photographer Axel Grunwald, from the German magazine Human Globaler Zufall. The article written by Dennis on RadioActive and DMC Radio is featured […]